Meet Rich


Hi, I’m Rich. I’m really happy to have you here. I founded Performer’s Health and designed FitDrummers so I could help US; musicians (especially drummers! hehe..) express ourselves more fully on our instrument, and improve the overall quality of our lives. I know from my own experience, talking and working with different people in the business over the years, that we all have our own personal stories and challenges. I designed this coaching to be customizable to work with any kind of artist.

I’ve performed all over the world on huge festival stages, clubs and arenas; travelled in planes, trains, boats, tour buses, and broken down vans; slept on dirty floors and king sized beds. I know the rigours and variability of a creative life. Finding your own balance and north star is key. And the beauty is, when we take care of our mind, body and spirit, it not only improves the quality of our lives, but also translates to a massive improvement for us on stage or in the practice room.

Fitness, Nutrition, Mindfulness and self-improvement have been passions of mine for years, and after finding myself the lone wolf on many tours with different artists over the years, rising early to go for a run, or cramming in push ups and sit ups in hotel rooms and backstages, it was a natural progression to finally marry my passions of performing and living well into all the programs here at Performer’s Health - including FitDrummers .

I feel a deep calling to help others, and share what I’ve learned, studied and lived over the years. I believe in aligning our mind, body and spirit, so that we can not only perform our very best, but aim our effort at answering the call that lies deep within each and every one of us. We are all unique and all have our own unique calling; and with that, our own unique challenges. My empathetic approach and deep understanding of movement, mindfulness and mindset, make me a great asset to any artist looking for that edge, next level or missing link, so they can finally uncover the full greatness they know they have within them.

Please don’t hesitate to write me or follow me on any of my socials. I’m here to help you discover and then realize whatever artistic vision you have, while getting you into the best physical, mental and artistic shape of your life. This should do more for you than just improve the quality your art. More so, I aim to improve the quality of your life, so that you can better take on any challenge, artistic or otherwise, that life throws your way, and so that you can Perform! and enjoy a sense of purpose and deep meaning throughout it all.

Thank you for visiting me on here. I look forward to talking more with you.


ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist

Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified

Met Flex Diet Certified

Drummer in Danko Jones